لا توجد نتائج مطابقة لـ all right

سؤال وجواب
ترجمة نصوص
أضف الترجمة

  • Don't worry, I'm all right.
    لا تقلقى , أنا بخير
  • It's all right. He, tu estas bien, viejo?
    هل انتم بخير. مهلا, ايها العجوز, انت بخير?
  • Dont worry, about a thing, cause every little thing, gonna be all right.
    لاتقلقي، عن أي شئ كل شي سيكون على مايرام
  • Covert Affairs 2x04 All the Right Friends www.SUBTITULOS.es -DIFUNDE LA PALABRA-
    " الشـــــــؤون الداخليـــة " (الموســـــم الثاني....الحلقـة الرابعـــة)
  • "Tomorrow I'll be quicker... ...I'll stare into the strobe light flicker... ...and afloat I'll stay... ...but I'm quite all right hiding today... ...tomorrow I'll be faster... ...I'll catch what I've been chasing after... ...and have time to play... ...but I'm quite all right hiding today... ...and I will play the coconut shy... ...and win a prize even if it's rigged... ...I won't know when to stop... ...and you can leave off my lid... ...and I won't even lose my fizz... ...I'll be the polka dots type... ...I'll know the way back if you know the way... ...but if you are, I am quite all right... ...hiding today...
    غدا سأصبع أسرع# سأتأمل في بصيص النور# و سأبقى عائما#
  • ...tomorrow I'll be stronger... ...running colourful... ...no longer just in black and white... ...and quite all right hiding tonight... ...and I will have a game on the coconut shy... ...and win a prize even if it's rigged... ...I won't know when to stop and you can leave off my lid... ...and I won't even lose my fizz... ...I'll be the polka dots type... ...I'll probably swim through a few lagoons... ...I'll have a spring in my step... ...and I'll get there soon... ...to sing you a happy tune... ...tomorrow... ...and you'd better bring a change of clothes... ...so we can sail our laughing pianos... ...along a beam of light... ...but I'm quite all right hiding tonight"
    غدا سأصبح أقوى# أركض بالألوان# لم أعد أبيض و أسود بعد#